Sunday, May 22, 2011


There must be a certain type of balance in the world. I’m talking about a balance in the sense of the good and bad in people. Now, I know I haven’t met every single human being walking this earth, and I probably never will, but it’s an idea that comes from a general sense of the different kinds of people we’ve met and known.

We’ve witnessed complete opposites before: The child murderer and the heaven-sent granddaughter you’ve always wanted. The extremely poor and the filthy rich. And then there are the opposite kinds of people we frequently find: The humble, giving humanitarian woman who is timid, soft-spoken versus the arrogant, rude, stubborn douche bag who doesn’t give 2 shits if you are a second away from dying right in front of his eyes. In relationships, we know the person who only gives, loves, gives, and gives more but doesn’t know when or how to give-up on the person undeserving of them. There is also the person who only knows how to take; completely heartless, selfish & will clearly never feel what it is to truly care about someone else.
These extreme cases of personalities makes me believe that there lies a fair balance in the world between different kinds of people. So could there be, for every asshole in the world a lovable caring and giving person in return? Not exactly; but there could be a fair balance of negative and positive energy in people that lies in the world. Since none of us will ever be able to confirm that, it is something we can only ponder about, but, it is a possibility.

I mean, no one will be able to evaluate, count and determine ever person’s morality and personality, but that blank answer gives us a place to believe that maybe, there is a level of fairness in the world—that we just can’t see. Or maybe it’s just a nice thought to think of the world that way?

Who knows.

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